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New requirements for entry in the National Revenue Agency for crypto businesses.

New requirements for entry in the National Revenue Agency for crypto businesses.


Persons who, by occupation,  provide services for the transfer or exchange, storage or management of virtual assets , allowing control over them, as well as services related to the public offering of virtual assets,  are subject to entry in an electronic public register at the National Revenue Agency  (Art. 9a , paragraph 1 of the Law on Measures against Money Laundering).

The requirement is in sync with the changes adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria in the ZMIP and  Ordinance No. H-9 of August 7, 2020 , which enter into force on March 22, 2024.  

Companies and individuals subject to entry in the register must submit an application immediately before starting their activities.  It is sent to the revenue agency electronically with a qualified electronic signature to the email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or through the Secure Electronic Delivery System (ESD). 

The following are attached to the application:

1. declaration according to the model, according to  Appendix No. 1a , signed with a qualified electronic signature, which declares the absence of a conviction for an intentional crime, the fact that the person was not in a management company declared bankrupt, and that he is not deprived from the right to hold a materially responsible position (Article 9d, Paragraph 1, Items 2 and 4 of the ZMIP).

2. for natural persons who are not Bulgarian citizens - a criminal record certificate or other similar document certifying the absence of convictions for an intentional crime of a general nature (Article 9d, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Criminal Code); 

It is necessary that the documents under items 2 and 3 are accompanied by a translation into Bulgarian and certified by  a qualified electronic signature of the applicant  or the person authorized by him.  Citizens can also submit the application for entry in the register through an intermediary  (Article 24a of the Law on Electronic Government). In this case, it is necessary to attach a copy of a notarized power of attorney certified with an electronic signature to the application.

A fee is paid for entry in the public register  (Article 41 of the Law on State Fees, Tariff No. 12 on Fees). Entry fees are due from: 

- persons who, by occupation, provide exchange services between virtual currencies and recognized currencies without gold cover, services for the transfer or exchange of virtual assets, services for the storage of virtual assets and their management, enabling the exercise of control over the assets, and services, related to public offering of virtual assets;

- the wallet providers that offer custodial services.

The amounts are paid to the account of the National Revenue Agency. 
At the BNB, Sofia, "Knyaz Alexander I" square, No. 1

IBAN: BG51BNBG96613100174901  


Important!  Persons already entered in the public register should submit in the period from 22.03. until 22.05.2024, an application for a change in the register (Article 9a, Paragraph 1 of the ZMIP), together with the above-mentioned documents. No fee is payable when submitting an application to change data in the public register. In the event that an application and accompanying documents are not submitted within the specified period,   the persons will be officially deleted from the register.


You can get more information, as well as a service offering for the registration of your crypto business in the National Revenue Agency, here:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or by phone 0888915215.