Legal Aspects of Blockchain Domains in Web3 .
1. Introduction .
I wanted to write this article because, although I commented on the topic for the first time, perhaps somewhere around 2010, and at the present moment, I do not see that a law has appeared in Bulgarian law to resolve disputes between trademarks and domains. Illegal arbitration in "Registr.bg" EOOD continues to exist, and the Supreme Court of Justice has ruled on this topic many times, and the case law created on the topic by the Supreme Court of Cassation is of the opinion that this arbitration is not such and its decisions have no legal force strength.
Despite the mentioned legal absurdities, nothing has changed in Bulgaria, but the world moved to a new speed in the so-called "Web3" [1] and numerous projects in the public sphere, finance, law, services and entertainment are being developed through blockchain technologies.
Given the lack of any internal regulatory framework and the Supreme Court's opinion in a strange case to say the least, that "domains are not objects of commercial activity, and therefore do not constitute a violation of a trademark" [2] (interestingly, what are Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook , Instagram), I will once again have to discuss what is happening "over there" and give recommendations for the development of Bulgarian law, which I hope someday, someone will first read and then consider, given the fact that trademarks are very they are often about something happening online in the 21st century. "Something" that is the subject of law all over the world, but not in Bulgaria - domains.