The Pan-European Seal IP Campus Pilot 2015 took place at OHIM's premises between 11 and 13 May. Organised by OHIM and the European Patent Office, this IP awareness and dissemination event gathered together the 14 trainees of OHIM's Pilot Edition of the Pan-European Seal, as well as other in-house trainees, bringing the total number of participants to 34.
The event included conferences on intellectual property (IP) related topics, such as the economic value of EU trade marks and designs, the Community trade mark legislative reform, patents and economic growth, counterfeiting and piracy, design law, and IP in the fashion industry. Additionally, the programme included two visits to local IP intensive industries, a discussion panel on the role of IP in the global economy, and two career guidance sessions in the IP field.
The Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme is a comprehensive IP programme which bridges academia and the IP labour market, promoted in partnership with the EPO and managed by the OHIM Academy, together with strategic University partners. The Pilot Edition was launched in October 2014 with 14 graduates from the Institutes belonging to the EIPIN Network.
Besides traineeship opportunities, the Pan-European Seal encompasses a training plan (on-the-job training, online training and other activities) focused on boosting IP awareness and education. The "Pan-European Seal IP Campus" is part of this training plan and it is aimed at improving trainees' IP knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective, providing them with career guidance on different professional pathways, as well as networking opportunities with potential recruiters.